Introducing the Purple Frog Blog

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I have been shooting for about 25 years, and handloading for about 20 years. My particular interest is big-bore rifles. And that lead me to handloading, since commercial ammunition is often expensive, difficult to find or both!

Along the way, I’ve shot in different countries, owned a variety of rifles, collected and used a wide range of handloading equipment, learned a lot and swapped tips and stories with lots of interesting people.

Living in England adds extra challenges to shooting, as there are rules and regulations galore. This blog is not about those rules and regulations – there are plenty of other places for that. But it does mean you will not find much about pistol shooting on these pages.

Instead, this blog is about ammunition, handloading, and ballistics for rifles. And equipment, powders and shooting.

Why “Purple Frog”? Well, there are plenty of “Ye Olde English” pages, and plenty of “precision ballistics” pages – but only one Purple Frog! That should make it easy to find your way back for the next post.

– David Lacey

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